Golkar Party has yet to register a candidate nominated by both sides."
Padang (ANTARA News) - Parties plagued with conflicts over stewardship can register only one candidate to contest in the regional head elections of 2015, Chief of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Husni Kamil Manik said.

"This refers to Commission Regulation No. 12 of 2015, according to which a party with dual management can register only one candidate nominated by the stewardship of both sides," he stated here on Saturday.

According to Manik, the decision of the North Jakarta State Court, which recently ruled that the stewardship of the Golkar Party belonged with Aburizal Bakrie, will not change the KPUs stance. Bakrie was elected as the chairman in the partys national congress in Bali.

"Golkar Party has yet to register a candidate nominated by both sides," he added.

Manik also pointed out that if each conflicted group of the party proposes a different candidate, it will not be accepted because the KPUs regulation is still valid.

On Friday, July 24, the North Jakarta State Court had ruled in favor of Aburizal Bakrie and ordered the Agung Laksono group as the defendant to stop all processes associated with the Golkar Party.

However, the State Administrative High Court (PTTUN) has granted an appeal lodged by the Laksono group on the verdict.

In addition, a political observer from Andalas University (Unand) in Padang, Asrinaldi, suggested that the conflict-ridden party should refrain from participating in the elections.

The dualism in management will complicate the partys political map, which should be chalked out first, he explained.

According to Asrinaldi, if the conflicted groups of the party remain involved and win positions, there will be new issues.

(Reported by Ikhwan Wahyudi/Uu.A071/INE/KR-BSR/B003)

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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