#drug raid

Collection of drug raid news, found 128 news.

Chief promotes 3 officers posthumously after fatal cockfighting raid

National Police (Polri) Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo elevated the ranks of three police officers who were fatally ...

North Sumatra police destroy 57.8 kg of seized crystal meth

The North Sumatra police stated on Wednesday that they had destroyed 57.77 kilograms (kg) of methamphetamine, 10 kg of ...

Some 16 cops in Aceh rewarded for successful drug raid

Some 16 cops in Bireuen District, Aceh Province, received rewards for their successful raid that led to the arrests of ...

Central Sulawesi police destroy 15 kg of crystal meth

The Central Sulawesi police on Thursday destroyed 15.38 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 2.1 grams of dried ...

News Focus

Year-ender 2022: Drug crimes still pose grave threat to Indonesia

Local and transborder drug traffickers continue to pose a grave threat to Indonesia despite the National Police and ...

Two army personnel involved in drug smuggling in North Sumatra

A police officer confirmed the involvement of two army personnel in North Sumatra in the smuggling of 75 kg crystal ...

BNN destroys 31.4 kg of drugs smuggled from Malaysia

West Kalimantan Office has destroyed 31.4 kg of crystal methamphetamine smuggled from Malaysia into Indonesia recently ...

Indonesian police foil smuggling of 169 kg of crystal meth

A joint team of police and customs and excise personnel recently thwarted an international drug ring's attempt to ...

Indonesian police hunt down Singapore-Malaysia drug ring member

The Banjarmasin city police has planned to issue an Interpol red notice through Indonesia's National Police ...

Central Java BNN thwarts shipping of 50 kilograms of marijuana

Officers from the National Narcotics Agency's (BNN's) Central Java office foiled an attempt to ship 50 ...

Police seize 471.6 kg of dried marijuana from eight suspects in Medan

A joint team of police officers from Jakarta and Medan recently arrested eight members of the Aceh-North ...

South Sumatra: BNN destroys over 80 kg of drugs

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has destroyed around 10.6 kg of crystal methamphetamine, 70 kg of marijuana, and 47 ...

Five million lives potentially saved after 1.19-ton drug bust: Police

Indonesian National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo affirmed that the seizure of 1,196 kilograms of crystal ...

Lampung police seize 15 kg of crystal meth, arrest three suspects

Police officers in Mesuji District, Lampung Province, arrested three suspected drug couriers who were transporting 15 ...

Actor Ardhito Pramono arrested for allegedly using marijuana

West Jakarta Police on Wednesday arrested singer and film actor Ardhito Pramono for allegedly using drugs. "The ...