The Law Enforcement Agency of the Environment and Forestry Ministry revealed a case of illegal trade of dozens of ...
The Riau Conservation and Natural Resources Center (BBKSDA) has attributed the recent deaths of two men in crocodile ...
More than 23 thousand orangutans are currently living in Central Kalimantan forests, head of the Central Kalimantan ...
- fell into the vulnerable category. Disparity in data still exists among observation sites across Indonesia, as ...
The Environment and Forestry Ministry has released eight orangutans into the forest of Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National ...
Dozens of Javan leopards (Panthera pardus melas) were found to inhabit Nusakambangan Island, Head of the Cilacap ...
The South Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) notified that 31 out of the 118 animals, rescued by the ...
China`s decision to reverse the 25-year ban on the trade of tiger bones and rhino horns has triggered an outcry from ...
China`s decision to legalize tiger bone usage for medicine has the potential to trigger poaching of Sumatran tigers, ...
Environmental crimes such as illegal logging and conversion of rain forests into oil palm plantations are putting ...
The poaching of Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) for trading remains a serious threat to the survival of the ...
Crimes against wild animals and plants need serious attention, as many plants and animals face the threat of ...
The poaching of Sumatran tigers across the island of Sumatra for trading remains at an alarming rate, though the ...
Illegal wildlife trade is a serious crime that according to the United Environment Program (UNEP) is similar to drug ...
Every effort must be made to raise public awareness of wildlife protection after many large mammals such as Sumatran ...