#40 percent

Collection of 40 percent news, found 1.281 news.

Govt agrees to Pertamina`s option to acquire PGN

The government has agreed to PT Pertaminas option to acquire PT PGN, asking the state-owned oil and gas company to ...

Historical year for Indonesia`s forest protection

During the past one year, the Indonesian government has made several historic policies and breakthroughs for the ...

Russians name Putin as Man of The Year

Russians have named President Vladimir Putin as the Man of the Year in 2013, according to a new survey. ...

Batan may begin construction of nuclear power plant in 2015

The head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Djarot S. Wisnusubroto, has said he expects the construction ...

Pertamina, Global Chemical to form joint venture company

State oil and gas company PT Pertamina will form a joint venture company with PTT Global Chemical (PTTGC) early next ...

2014 to be a politically crucial year for Indonesia

The year 2013 will soon end and 2014, which is around the corner, is expected to be a crucial year for Indonesia as ...

Minimum wage set, Jakarta workers disappointed

The Jakarta Labor Forum expressed disappointment with Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo for approving a minimum wage of ...

Jakarta index closes higher

The Jakarta composite share price index closed higher on Thursday on positive sentiment brought about by the US ...

Economies target 1 million students exchange in 2020

Leaders of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies said they will target having a million students ...

Indonesia eager to become regional power through APEC

What benefit can Indonesia reap in hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Nusa Dua, Bali, after ...

Majority of lower district heads in Jakarta have poor performance: Ahok

Deputy Governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama said only 40 percent of heads of sub-district and kelurahan, the ...

IFC Invests Record $438m in Indonesia to Support Infrastructure Development, Expand Access to Finance

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, sees attractive investment opportunities in Indonesia in the long-term, despite ...

US public opposed to Syria strike: Polls

Two new polls out Tuesday have found strong opposition to US military intervention in Syria among a war-weary American ...

Dollar dominates money changers` transactions

The Association of Foreign Exchange Traders (APVA) said the US dollar dominated transactions at money changers in the ...

Freeport signs MoU on copper smelter

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has signed a memorandum of understanding with PT Indosmelt (Indosmelt) and PT Indovasi ...