#75 percent

Collection of 75 percent news, found 1.119 news.

Bank Indonesia raises interest rates to strengthen stability

Bank Indonesia`s Board of Governors agreed to raise again the BI 7-day Reverse Repo Rate by 25 bps to 4.75 percent in ...

Bank Indonesia may still raise its interest rate this year.

Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo said Central Bank may have to raise again its benchmark interest rate this year ...

PLN issues global bonds worth US$2 billion

State-owned electricity company (PLN) has issued global bonds worth US$2 billion, or equivalent to Rp28 trillion, on ...

Police supports government`s plan to form TNI antiterror unit

National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian supports government`s plan to set up the Indonesian Military`s Joint ...

Jakarta index closes lower on Friday

The Jakarta composite index (IHSG) closed lower on Friday on negative sentiment with rupiah weakening. Rupiah ...

BI not hesitant to readjust key rate

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo said that the central bank is prepared to apply a stronger monetary ...

People should take advantage of rupiah depreciation

The government and the people, especially businesses, should be able to take advantage of the rupiah depreciation that ...

Bank Indonesia under greater pressure to raise interest rate

With rupiah losing more value, the pressure is greater for Bank Indonesia to raise its benchmark interest ...

Calls stronger for increase in benchmark interest rate

Bank Indonesia may not continue to rely on foreign exchange reserve to prop up reeling national currency, an economist ...

First-quarter investment grows significantly by 7.85 percent

Investment in Indonesia grew significantly by 7.95 percent in the first quarter of 2018 from 4.77 percent in the same ...

Rupiah fall only temporary: Central bank

Bank Indonesia (BI) said falling value of the national currency rupiah against the US dollar in the past several week ...

Indonesian government issues bonds in double currencies

The Indonesian government has issued dollar-denominated bonds and euro-denominated bonds worth US$1 billion ...

BI maintains interest rate to anticipate Fed`s monetary tightening

Bank Indonesia decided to maintain its 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate" at 4.25 percent on Thursday in anticipation of ...

I have not signed MD3 law: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that he had not signed the Law on People`s Consultative Assembly (MPR), House of ...

Economist welcomes government`s benchmark price of coal

In an effort to protect state-owned electricity company PLN from being affected by the increase in coal price, the ...