#a big challenge

Collection of a big challenge news, found 81 news.

Complete COVID-19 eradication impossible: epidemiologist

Eradicating COVID-19 completely will be impossible since apart from humans, animals can also get infected with the ...

Indonesia records trade surplus of US$2.92 billion with China

  Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of US$2.92 billion with China last year and emerged as Beijing's ...

Indigenous vaccine's 1st-phase clinical trial expected to run smoothly

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa expects the first phase of clinical trials of the Merah Putih vaccine ...

Unair's Red-White vaccine's Phase-1 clinical trial to commence Feb 8

Main researcher for clinical trials of Airlangga University's (Unair's) Red and White vaccine, Dr Dominicus ...

News Focus

Long wait for indigenous vaccine expected to end mid-year

A recent announcement that the Red and White vaccine is expected to be ready for production by mid-2022 offers hope to ...

Minister calls on state firms to disburse alms through Baznas

State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir has urged state-owned enterprises to disburse zakat (alms) through ...

RT-LAMP detects COVID-19 in less than an hour: BRIN

A molecular COVID-19 test based on the RT-LAMP (reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification) method ...

Development of indigenous COVID-19 vaccine big challenge: BRIN

Developing the Merah Putih COVID-19 vaccine is a big challenge as no single country has experience in developing such a ...

Forest, land fires remain a big concern: ministry

Potential land and forest fires remain a huge concern from the environmental and forestry perspective, director general ...

Changes in global supply chains have become big challenge: minister

Changes in the global supply chains have currently become a big challenge that must be addressed, State-Owned ...

RECUR announces strategic NFT partnership with Sanrio for the first time bringing the Hello Kitty iconic brand into the digital collectible space

RECUR today announced a strategic partnership with iconic brand, Hello Kitty, to create a fan-focused platform that ...

Pandemic poses challenge to tourism sector to rise: VP

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a challenge to the tourism sector to rise and contribute to the national income, according ...

Investment instrumental to clock 5 percent growth in 2021: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stressed that investment was the main driving force for Indonesia's economy to ...

VP Amin: New normal an opportunity for halal businesses, MSMEs

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said the new normal presents an opportunity for halal businesses, as well as micro, ...

Weekend Stories

Wisdom of Ramadhan amid coronavirus outbreak

Muslims around the world, including in Greater Jakarta, are witnessing a different kind of Ramadhan in wake of the ...