
Collection of abdullah news, found 1.265 news.

RI'`s ankara embassy holds business luncheon to promote trade ties

The Indonesian embassy in Ankara recently held a business luncheon to promote bilateral trade ties between Indonesia ...

9 killed in fighting north of Yemen capital: tribal source

Nine people were killed in two days of clashes between tribal fighters who are opposed to Yemeni President Ali ...

Pro-NTC forces battle Kadhafi men in Bani Walid

Fighters who back Libya`s new interim government were battling loyalists of fallen Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi inside ...

Indonesian student achieves international award congress in Japan

An Indonesian student Arifa Abdullah Rakhmana received an award in the 63rd Annual Congress of The Japan Society of ...

Grand Mosque of Sana`a: historical landmark and centre for moderation

The Grand Mosque in Sana'a is one of the oldest mosques in the Muslim world. It was the first mosque built in Yemen ...

KPK chief denies ever meeting Nazaruddin

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chief Busyro Muqoddas denied that he had met with former Democrat Party ...

Masohi to be Maluku`s new provincial capital

Sitting in an area with wide unpopulated tracts of land, the Central Maluku district town of Masohi is currently ...

Talks fail for surrender of Kadhafi bastion: negotiator

Negotiations for the surrender of Moamer Kadhafi`s forces in the Libyan town of Bani Walid have failed and will not ...

Suicide bomber kills 3 Yemen troops in Aden: military

A suicide car bomber killed three Yemeni soldiers in an attack on an army post at the gates of the southern city of ...

UI rector defends decision to grant degree to Saudi king

University of Indonesia (UI) Rector Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri defended his decision to award an honorary degree to ...

Libyan rebels set deadline for final battle

Libyan rebels have given forces loyal to Moamer Kadhafi until Saturday to surrender or face the "final battle" of a ...

To play Iran, RI soccer team should foster spirit

The Indonesian senior soccer team completed its three try-out matches which were all conducted in the Islamic ...

Indian Kashmir offers amnesty to `stone throwers`

Indian Kashmir has declared an amnesty for more than 1,000 youths alleged to have attacked security forces during ...

Six Yemeni soldiers killed in clashes with `Qaeda`

Six Yemeni soldiers were killed and nine wounded in overnight clashes with suspected Al-Qaeda gunmen in the southern ...

Lecturers, activists slam UI rector over award to Saudi King

A number of lecturers of state University of Indonesia (UI) and non-governmental organization activists have voiced ...