#abraham wirotomo

Collection of abraham wirotomo news, found 33 news.

President against rushing to change pandemic status to endemic: KSP

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has urged to not hurry in changing the pandemic status to endemic and to remain heedful ...

Bed occupancy rate in hospitals nationally under control: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) affirmed that the bed occupancy ratio (BOR) in hospitals nationally was still under ...

Village telemedicine innovations effective in handling COVID-19: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) lauded village medicine innovations, including the one currently applied at ...

Tightening of PPKM is unrelated to religious day dates: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) clarified that the tightening of public activities restrictions (PPKM) was not ...

No need to pull emergency brake yet: KSP

Despite a significant spike in Omicron cases, there is no need for the government to pull the emergency brake to ...

Indonesia ready for third COVID wave: KSP

The Indonesian Government had prepared for a third wave of COVID-19 infections even before the local transmission ...

Officers must not hesitate to enforce quarantine: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) has urged officers to not hesitate in enforcing quarantine regulations and ...

President Jokowi orders telemedicine drugs' delivery within hours: KSP

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructed the Presidential Staff Office's (KSP's) officials to have ...

Prioritize hospitals for COVID-19 patients truly requiring treatment

Main expert staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), Abraham Wirotomo, has urged the community to prioritize ...

Asymptomatic Omicron patients urged to self-isolate: KSP

Main expert staff at the Presidential Staff Office Abraham Wirotomo has appealed to people with no or mild symptoms of ...

Disciplined quarantine prevents Omicron spreading among Umrah pilgrims

Presidential Staff Office (KSP) expert Abraham Wirotomo believes that disciplined quarantine and health protocol ...

Gov't continuing to fix errors in PeduliLindungi app: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) has emphasized that the government is continuing to work on revamping the ...

Quarantine shortened after clinical review: KSP

The government's policy shortening the quarantine period for international travelers has been rolled out following ...

Presidential Staff Office reviews vaccinations for children aged 6--11

The Presidential Staff Office reviewed the COVID-19 vaccination program for children in the 6–11 age group at ...

KSP presses for public alertness against COVID-19 third wave

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) reminded people to stay alert despite the current COVID-19 situation being under ...