
Collection of activist news, found 508 news.

Govt urged to protect migrant workers through bilateral accords

The government should conclude bilateral agreements with countries that use Indonesian migrant workers regarding the ...

Nazaruddin`s repatriation must be done transparently

The repatriation and escorting of Muhammad Nazaruddin from Colombia to Indonesia must be carried out openly to ...

Twenty Bali starlings to be released into habitat

Twenty Bali starlings (Leucopsar rothschildi) from European countries will be released into their natural habitat in ...

New party to nominate Sri Mulyani for president

A new political party has announced its plan to nominate former finance minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati for president ...

KPK`s ethics committee joined by Syafii Maarif, Nono Makarim

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has decided to change the composition of its ethics committee membership ...

Celebs call on world leaders for urgent horn of Africa funds

Bob Geldof, Stephen Fry and Eddie Izzard joined other celebrities and activists Monday in urging world leaders to step ...

Sulak Sivaraksa of Thailand Receives 28th Niwano Peace Prize

-         The Niwano Peace Foundation awarded the 28th Niwano Peace Prize to Sulak ...

Yemen opposition forms council to oust president

Yemen`s mainstream opposition coalition said on Tuesday it would set up a "National Council for the Forces of the ...

Two Indonesians receive awards in US

Benjamin Hioe and Rima McGraw, two Indonesians living in Georgia, the United States, have received Most Influential ...

Number of threatened bird species in Indonesia increases

The number of threatened bird species in Indonesia has increased from 122 in 2010 to 123 in 2011, according to an NGO ...

Egypt premier appoints new deputies

Egypt`s caretaker prime minister appointed a veteran economist and a liberal party activist as his deputies on ...

Dog on the menu in Korea to beat the heat

Thursday was not a good day to be a dog in South Korea. That`s because it was one of the three hottest days according ...

Lampung needs funds to save turtle breeding grounds

The regional government of West Lampung district, Lampung province, has not enough funds to re-green damaged coastal ...

Consultative meeting for national dialogue kicks off

The consultative meeting for comprehensive national dialogue announced by President Bashar al-Assad in his speech at ...

Nazaruddin can be tried in absentia: PPATK

Corruption suspect former Democrat Party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin who has disappeared can be tried in absentia, ...