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G20 Indonesia

G20 nations express concern over food, energy price surge

All G20 member states have expressed concern over the soaring prices of food and energy due to the Russia-Ukraine ...

G20 Indonesia

Multilateralism, global governance at forefront at Bali's G20 FMM

This year's G20 meeting has come at an extremely challenging time for multilateralism and global governance, when ...

G20 Indonesia

Y20 must hold creative events to disseminate agenda: Governor Kamil

The Youth 20 (Y20) must hold creative events to disseminate information about the four priority issues of the 2022 Y20 ...

News Focus

Indonesian calls, messages at G7 Summit

The G7, originally G8, was set up in 1975 as an informal forum bringing together leaders of the world’s leading ...

President Jokowi arrives at G7 Summit, welcomed by German Chancellor

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) arrived at the venue of the 48th G7 Summit in Schloss Elmau, Germany, on ...

News Focus

Navigating the food crisis, war

Even as the world is trying to recover from the economic downturn triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, a war has broken ...

Trade Ministry asks health industry to tap export markets

The Ministry of Trade has urged domestic pharmacy and health equipment industries to explore export markets that have ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 member states keen to cooperate with Indonesia: Ministry

Some G20 member states have expressed their intent to cooperate in various sectors with Indonesia that holds the G20 ...

News Focus

Sorghum, nutrient-rich alternative to rice

Sorghum is a plant whose seeds are used as animal feed and is a basic material for biodiesel energy and food. This ...

Governor highlights carbon emission-reduction efforts to ambassadors

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan informed ambassadors of other countries to Indonesia of the varied efforts made by ...

Governor Baswedan invites ambassadors to ride bicycle in Jakarta

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan invited several ambassadors to ride a bike from Dukuh Atas to Lapangan Banteng in ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 presidency emblematic of global acknowledgment of Indonesia's role

Coordinating Economic Affairs Ministry's secretary, Susiwijono, affirmed that the G20 presidency entrusted to ...

COVID-19 highlights importance of global collaboration: House Speaker

The COVID-19 pandemic, which is still looming in several parts of the Earth, is a reminder that international ...

GPDRR 2022

President Jokowi, Zambian VP Nalumango discuss economic cooperation

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received a courtesy visit from Zambian Vice President W.K. Mutale Nalumango ...

Health Ministry raises vigil over potential monkeypox transmission

The Ministry of Health stepped up its vigilance over the risk of potential transmission of monkeypox by domestic and ...