#agung pribadi

Collection of agung pribadi news, found 43 news.

PLN: Need 8 mln tons of trash to operate plants

State electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) said it will need at least 8 million tons of waste per ...

ICP increased to US$42 per barrel until September

The Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) rose by an average of US$4 to US$42 per barrel in the year ending September 30, 2020, ...

Electricity tariff temporarily cut for PLN's low-voltage consumers

The government has temporarily lowered the electricity tariff for low-voltage customers of the state-owned electricity ...

First-semester biodiesel consumption reached 4.36 million kl: Ministry

The utilization of biodiesel blended fuels reached 4.36 million kiloliters (kl) until mid-2020, constituting almost 68 ...

Investment in smelter construction off-target: Energy Ministry

Indonesia expects to miss the investment target of US$3.7 billion for smelter construction in 2020 due to the COVID-19 ...

Investment in Indonesia's oil, gas still attractive: Energy Ministry

Neptune Energy West Ganal B.V. has won the tender for the exploration of the block. Separately, he said, British ...

Indonesia's biggest thermal power plant is operational

Indonesia's biggest coal-based thermal power plant of the PLTU Jawa 7 Unit 1 with a total capacity of 2 X 1,000 ...

Indonesian Crude Price rises US$3.44 per barrel in November

The average Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) in November 2019 increased US$3.44 to US$63.26, as compared to US$59.82 per ...

RI-UAE hold discussion as follow-up to joint economic task force

Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan received UAE Energy and Industry Minister Suhail ...

Govt refutes rumor of government planning to hike electricity tariff

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has clarified that there is no truth to the rumor circulating of the ...

Vehicles throng Cipali Turnpike triggers 20-pct fuel consumption hike

High vehicular traffic through the Cipali toll road, Friday (May 31), caused an around 20-percent rise in ...

Ministry focuses attention on using natural gas for domestic demand

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is laying emphasis on the utilization of natural gas for domestic ...

Geopolitical issues spike ICP to US$68.31 per barrel

The turbulence in world politics over the past month has sent the Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) soaring to US$68.31 per ...

Government sets reference coal price at US$91.80 per ton

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry set the reference coal price (HBA) at US$91.80 per ton for February 2019, ...

Government to intensify transition process of Rokan oil block operatorship

The government has intensified its efforts to accelerate the process of transfer of operatorship of the Rokan oil ...