#air force chief of staff

Collection of air force chief of staff news, found 167 news.

President Jokowi wants Air Force to grow stronger: Chief of Staff

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) to grow stronger in implementing its mandate to ...

Strong air defense main component to maintain sovereignty: Air Force

Indonesian Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo emphasized that strong air defense is the most important ...

Jokowi witnesses Super Hercules handover to Air Force

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) witnessed the symbolic handover of a C-130J-30 Super Hercules aircraft from the Defense ...

Minister hands over eight Airbus H225M helicopters to Air Force

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto handed over eight Airbus H225M helicopters with heavy payload capacity, originally ...

Margono outlines five aspects of TNI neutrality during 2024 elections

Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, outlined five aspects regarding the neutrality of ...

Next aid for Palestine to be sent three weeks later

The second batch of Indonesian humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza, worth approximately US$2 billion, will be ...

TNI AU grows into a modern air force: MIlitary Chief

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) has grown into a more modern military organisation, according to the Indonesian ...

Indonesia receives knowledge transfer from procuring Super Hercules

Indonesia received transfer of knowledge and maintenance from the purchase of the C-130J-30 Super Hercules A-1339 ...

General Perkasa hands over TNI leadership to Admiral Margono

General Andika Perkasa handed over the Indonesian National Defence Forces (TNI) Commandership to Admiral Yudo Margono ...

TNI commander candidate Margono arrives for fit and proper test

Naval Chief of Staff Admiral Yudo Margono, who has been named the National Defense Force (TNI) commander candidate, ...

Indonesian Government needs to raise defense budget

The government needs to raise defense budget to increase the Indonesian Military (TNI)'s strength to thwart ...

76th anniversary of Indonesian Air Force commemorated in Yogyakarta

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) on Saturday held a ceremony to commemorate its 76th anniversary at the Air Force ...

Indonesian Air Force readies pilots to fly Rafale fighter jets

Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo is preparing special pilots to fly the 4.5 generation Dassault Rafale ...

Russian-Ukrainian conflict will affect defense system: Prasetyo

Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo has said that the Russia-Ukraine conflict will ...

Air force chief of staff receives honorary visit of CAF RAAF

Indonesian Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau) Air Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo received an honorary visit from Australian ...