
Collection of alliance news, found 1.140 news.

Karzai says NATO failed as 18-hr Kabul attack ends

Afghan President Hamid Karzai said on Monday that a coordinated Taliban attack showed a "failure" by Afghan ...

US under pressure to let Cuba join Americas summit

The United States was under growing pressure here Sunday to let Cuba attend future regional summits as Latin American ...

Iraq Kurd leader accuses PM Maliki of `dictatorship`

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is monopolising power and preparing the ground for a return to dictatorship, ...

PKS to remain in government coalition: PKS president

President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq has said his party would remain in the government ...

USAID to continue supporting Papua`s agriculture empowerment program

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will continue its assistance to Papua`s local ...

Pakistan parliament debate on U.S. sputters to halt

A parliamentary debate in Pakistan on the relationship with the United States has stalled on domestic politics, even ...

Iraq president calls for unity meet in April

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has called for a national conference on April 5 aimed at bridging sharp political ...

Workers say fuel price hike reduces their buying power

The Alliance of Confederations and Federations of Workers Unions said the planned fuel price hike will reduce workers` ...

RI`s labor to block public facilities on 27 march

The Indonesian labor alliance took to the street on Wednesday to strike in protest of upcoming fuel oil price hikes. ...

Opposition ahead in E. Timor election count

Early results from East Timor`s presidential polls on Sunday showed the opposition Fretilin party`s Francisco "Lu Olo" ...

Peru called potential trade partner of Indonesia

Peru has growing potential as a trade partner with Indonesia because there is significant trade between the two ...

NATO chief expresses shock at US soldier`s shooting spree

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen expressed shock and sadness at the shooting spree by a rogue US soldier in ...

New fighting in Sudan`s Darfur region

Sudan`s armed forces and a rebel group clashed in the Western Darfur region, both sides said on Wednesday, the latest ...

RI to cooperate with 7 countries to develop small enterprises

Indonesia will soon team up with seven countries to develop cooperatives, small and medium enterprises in yet another ...

World Congress on Information Technology to be held in Montreal

-     The World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) will be held in Montréal, from October ...