
Collection of allocation news, found 1.519 news.

State budget used to control Indonesia's inflation: Deputy Minister

The state budget became the government's tool to ensure that Indonesia's inflation remains under control amid ...

Govt applies five blue economy strategies to maximize marine potential

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono spoke of his ministry having implemented five blue ...

Bandarlampung will meet stunting reduction target by 2024: BKKBN

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has said it is optimistic that the stunting rate in ...

Gov't readies regulation to stipulate regional fund allocation

The Finance Ministry is preparing a regulation in order to align the general allocation fund to the requirement in each ...

Police bans four ACT officials from going abroad

Investigators from the National Police's (Polri's) Criminal Investigation Unit banned four members of the ACT ...

Public consultation leads to adaptive state budget: Ministry

Public consultation leads to an adaptive state budget that could adjust to several opportunities arising amid the ...

Indonesian, Malaysian Hajj missions discuss Hajj services, fee

 Indonesian and Malaysian Hajj missions have met and discussed various aspects concerning the Hajj organisation, ...

G20 Indonesia

Hartarto stresses women's economic empowerment at W20 Summit

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, emphasized the importance of women's economic ...

RI seeks to boost transport connectivity along border with Timor Leste

The Ministry of Transportation is preparing infrastructure to improve transport connectivity in areas along the ...

Fishermen play role in maintaining food sovereignty: ministers

Fishermen will play an important role in maintaining Indonesia’s food sovereignty in the future, State-Owned ...

Village governments asked to utilize village funds for food security

Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar appealed to village ...

KSP to help find solution to migrant workers departure issues

Chief of the Presidential Staff (KSP) Moeldoko stated that his office would help find solutions to the placement of ...

BUMDes capable of realizing equitable economic growth in villages

Village-owned enterprises (BUMDes), as the sole public legal entities in villages, are capable of preserving and ...

Government releases regulation on subsidized fertilizers for farmers

The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs stated that the government had regulated the distribution of subsidized ...

Issues continue to hinder progress in social aid digitalization

Coordinating Minister for Culture and Human Development Affairs Muhadjir Effendy stated that issues continued to plague ...