
Collection of allocation news, found 1.521 news.

Govt anticipating cyclical flooding in Jakarta

Social Affairs Minister Salim Segaf Al Jufri said his ministry was preparing itself to carry out its duties such as ...

news focus: export ban to disadvantage rattan farmers?

The government will stop raw rattan exports amid a `war` between rattan industries and rattan producers over whether ...

Small farmers should be basis of food development

Smallholder`s agriculture and food estates must be synchronized with development of the country`s food resilience so ...

Democrat Party satisfied with cabinet reshuffle results : Anas

Ruling Democrat Party Chief Anas Urbaningrum said the party was satisfied with the results of the cabinet reshuffle ...

Pusri guarantees sufficient supply of subsidized fertilizer in Bengkulu

Fertilizer company PT Pusri guarantees sufficient supply of subsidized fertilizer for farmers in Bengkulu province, a ...

House approves electricity subsidy of Rp45 trillion for 2012

The House of Representatives (DPR) has approved the government-proposed budget allocations of Rp45 trillion for ...

W Sulawesi governor promises to build cacao fertilizer plant

West Sulawesi Governor Anwar Adnan Saleh (AAS) promised the farmers in his area to build a cacao fertilizer plant not ...

Infrastructures need more funds for economic expansion

Despite President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s efforts over the past two years to increase the state budget allocation ...

Eighty schools receive rehabilitation funds aid

Eighty schools in Manado, North Sulawesi, will receive funds for their physical rehabilitation from the Education ...

President chairs cabinet meeting on weapons procurement

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono here on Monday chaired a limited cabinet meeting on political, legal and security ...

Govt to allocate Rp99 tln for main armament systems

The government will allocate Rp99 trillion for the maintenance and purchase of main armament systems until 2014, ...

W Sumatra`s forests suitable for kyoto protocol projects : observer

West Sumatra`s forests have the potential of being ideal hosts for climate change projects under the Kyoto Protocol, ...

Lebong allocates Rp2 billion for building power plant

The national program of independent community empowerment (PPNPM) within villages in Lebong regency, Bengkulu, ...

Mamuju district to increase national cocoa production

Having an extensive area of cocoa plantations, Mamuju district in West Sulawesi has the capability to improve national ...

North Sumatra to have organic fertilizer plant

PT Petrokimia Gresik under a cooperation with a private company in North Sumatra is building an organic fertilizer ...