- GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE: GDDY), the world's largest technology provider dedicated to small businesses, today ...
Foreign direct investment is needed to drive the economy, and therefore, it is paramount to follow up on the economic ...
The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) is reviewing a regulation on the negative investment list (DNI), a move ...
Japan on Sunday backed the United States sailing warships close to disputed land in the South China Sea but said it ...
A certain party has asked for the MKD to not punish House Speaker Setya Novanto over PT Freeport shares issue, the ...
Indonesia will raise the importance of cooperation in addressing and overcoming the problem of radicalism and ...
A survey by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) over 800 company leaders in Asia Pacific named Indonesia the second best ...
The bilateral meeting with Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter Charles ONeill on the sidelines of the APEC Summit in ...
Investors from the United States who are interested in investing in the country are eager to gain a better ...
The Colombian government is keen to take a cue from the peaceful settlement of the Aceh conflict to handle its ...
Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla held a bilateral meeting with Papua New Guinea (PNG) Prime Minister Peter ...
Beijing said Wednesday US President Barack Obama should not get involved in disputes in the South China Sea, after he ...
A Filipina gave birth on a Manila sidewalk after getting caught in traffic chaos caused by a regional gathering of ...
Indonesia has called for reform in global financial architecture in a number of international forums to create a ...
The member countries of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and G20 cooperation have an important role in ...