#armed criminal

Collection of armed criminal news, found 224 news.

MPR Speaker urges firm action against KKB in Papua

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo urged the Defense Forces (TNI) and the National ...

Indonesian troops fight back three armed Papuan rebels in Intan Jaya

Indonesian troops hit back at three armed rebels who often terrorized residents of Bazemba Village in Sugapa ...

OPM tag for armed groups will affect TNI approach: KSAD

The Indonesian Military (TNI) chief's decision to call the Free Papua Organization (OPM) by its given name would ...

New dawn in fight against OPM in Papua

-highlighted the gravity of eradicating this group. The TNI has adopted a zero-tolerance approach towards OPM's ...

Komnas HAM pushed government to strengthen ecosystem of peace in Papua

Indonesia's National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) pushed the government for ongoing endeavors to ...

Operation Peace Cartenz Task Force frees two Papuan students

Operation Peace Cartenz Task Force personnel freed two students that they arrested shortly after a gunfight broke out ...

Operation Peace Cartenz Task Force arrests Alenus Tabuni

Operation Peace Cartenz Task Force personnel arrested Alenus Tabuni, alias Kobuter, one of the armed Papuan criminals ...

Police and military hunt down armed rebels grabbing rifle, ammo

Indonesian police and military personnel were hunting down armed Papuan separatist terrorists who had grabbed an ...

Prioritizing soft approach toward armed Papuan groups: TNI

Commander of Indonesia's National Armed Forces (TNI) General Agus Subiyanto has affirmed that TNI is ...

Papua Police Chief urges calm amid security disturbances in Paro

Papua Police Chief Insp. Gen. Mathius Fakhiri has called on police personnel not to be incited by security disturbances ...

TNI embraces "smart power" approach to counter KKB attacks

Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Commander, General Agus Subiyanto, said on Friday that TNI will implement a ...

New Chief of Army Staff should maintain nation's integrity: VP Amin

New Chief of Army Staff General Maruli Simanjuntak has the duty to maintain stability and integrity of the nation, ...

Armed criminal in Central Papua killed in gunfight with army: Officer

An armed criminal was killed in a gunfight with Indonesian army personnel in Eromaga Village, Omukia Subdistrict, ...

Tens of Central Papua villagers seek refuge to a mily post: Officer

Fifty-three residents of Eronggobak Village in Omukia Subdistrict, Puncak District, Central Papua Province, have sought ...

Military-police joint team arrests food supplier for Papua armed group

A joint team of the Indonesian police and military arrested a supporter of the Papua armed criminal group in Agats, ...