-In April this year, Midea launched its European R&D and Innovation Center in Austria. At the same time, its ...
This year marks the debut participation of the Taiwan Excellence Pavilion at CommunicAsia 2017. Companies like Acer, ...
- Last October, the Chinese government approved a blueprint called 'Healthy China 2030', pledging to build a healthy ...
Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg laid out a vision on Thursday of his company serving as a bulwark against ...
Facebook and other social media, which act not only as tech companies but also as media platforms, must provide a ...
- As mega-clouds fuel massive scale data center growth across the Asia Pacific region BroadGroup, the international ...
TOKYO--(Antara/BUSINESS WIRE) Nikkei Inc. will hold two popular exhibitions simultaneously. The first, "RETAILTECH ...
Indonesia Indicator (I2) has announced that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was the person of the year for 2016, based ...
- NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), the ICT solutions and international communications business within the NTT ...
- The Qvest Media Group has a new majority shareholder. With its planned closing at the end of ...
A new technique using artificial intelligence to read satellite images could aid efforts to eradicate global poverty ...
President Joko Widodo has advised the worlds Muslim population to be cautious about innovative breakthroughs, ...
- Kubota Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) and NTT Communications ...
Southeast Asian countries have the potential to leapfrog ahead of other developing nations by embracing new ...
- As the keynote speaker of the National University of Singapore's Scale Up Singapore event this February 1, 2016, ...