#arts and culture

Collection of arts and culture news, found 202 news.

"Pasar Malam" introduces Indonesia to the Dutch

Pasar Malam Indonesia (Indonesian Fair) held by the Indonesian embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands, is a program to ...

More time is required to understand new curriculum

The Indonesian government is changing the national curriculum, and it is keen on implementing the new curriculum by ...

Javanese Princess preserves culture

"Preserving the palace`s traditional culture is the call of my soul. This desire will never end as long as I live, and ...

Tourists Claim Every Day in Yotowawa Holds New Adventures

The flight from East Nusa Tenggara provincial city of Kupang to Kisar island, also known as Yotowawa in Southwest ...

Antara signs cooperation agreement with Ria Novosti

Indonesia`s national news agency Antara has signed a cooperation agreement with Russia`s Ria Novosti to spread stories ...

Yogyakarta has many traditional arts, cultures to attract tourists

Yogyakarta has many traditional arts and cultures that can attract tourists to visit the areas, an observer said. ...

Iran`s contribution to quake victims heightened spirits

Japan`s Accredited Ambassador to Iran Kim Iji Komano said here Wednesday Iranians by expressing sympathy and ...

Indonesian jazz musicians perform in Moscow

Indonesian jazz musician Indro Hardjodikoro and the "Fingers" rock Russian audiences at Elektrosal City Museum in ...

E. Kalimantan to hold Kemilau Festival

The culture and tourism office of East Kalimantan province will hold an Etam Kemilau Art and Cultural Festival in an ...

Yogyakarta has great culture-based tourism potentials

As the center of Javanese arts and culture, Yogyakarta has great culture-based tourism potentials that have to be ...

news focus: Babel poised to host sail Wakatobi Belitong peak event

Bangka Belitung (Babel) Province has been busy making preparations for the peak event of Sail Wakatobi Belitong (WWB) ...

Minister proposes cultural approaches to cement ties with Malaysia

Communication and Informatics Minister Tifatul Sembiring has called for a deepening of Indonesia-Malaysia relations ...

news feature: Jak-Japan Matsuri to foster RI, Japan peoples` ties

Like a thunder-bolt piercing the skies in the Merdeka Square in Central Jakarta, the National Monument (Monas) stands ...

Indonesian Arts Institute send alumni abroad to teach

The Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) in Denpasar, Bali, has sent many alumni to teach gamelan (traditional orchestras) ...

Singaporeans to Bali up 34.19 percent

Some 55,668 Singapore tourists came to Bali in the first semester of 2011, a 34.19 percent increase compared to only ...