
Collection of auction news, found 403 news.

Beatles album sells for $290,500 at auction

A rare, signed copy of The Beatles` album "Sgt. Pepper`s Lonely Hearts Club Band" has been sold for a record $290,500 ...

Rupiah falls after European turbulence

The Indonesian currency rupiah fell in value against the US dollar on Wednesday morning on worries over the impact of ...

Seven Cirque du Soleil Shows Came Together For Extraordinary Original Performance to Raise Global Awareness and Funds fo

- For one extraordinary night, and in an unprecedented manner, seven Cirque du Soleil Las Vegas resident productions ...

Rupiah falls in value on Monday morning

The Indonesian currency rupiah lost some of its value against the US dollar on improved US economic data, and traded ...

Rupiah weakens 11 points against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah extended loss in value against the US dollar on Friday morning on negative external ...

RI needs to develop local cattle ranches

The soaring beef price in the domestic market of late, particularly in Jakarta, has been blamed on stock shortage, ...

Rupiah weakens 24 points against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah weakened against the US dollar losing 24 points in today`s closing on market players` ...

Gov`t sells Rp7,55 trillion worth of state bond

The government sells state bond valued Rp7,55 trillion in an auction which aimed to meet part of the 2013 financing ...

Govt to introduce auction system for beef imports

The government plans to introduce an auction system for importation of beef to assure transparency and the best price ...

Indonesian govt to stabilize beef prices

Chief Economic minister Hatta Rajasa has said that the government will speed up beef supply to stabilize prices which ...

Public works minister proposes Rp600 billion for Jakarta canals

Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto has proposed a Rp600 billion budget to the finance ministry for the construction ...

Government sells bonds worth Rp8.5 trillion

The government has auctioned off four series of state bond valued at Rp8.5 trillion. The auction on Tuesday was ...

BI asked to prevent further weakening of rupiah

Economist from Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia Lana Soelistianingsih said Bank Indonesia should intervene strongly to ...

Rupiah gains 125 points against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah gained 125 points against the US dollar here on Monday morning. Rupiah traded at ...

Ministry of finance announces 25 sales agents for sukuk

The Directorate General of Debt Management at the Ministry of Finance has announced the names of 25 winning bidders ...