
Collection of auction news, found 403 news.

PLN to auction 200 MW Aceh gas power plant

State-owned electricity company PT PLN said on Friday it plans to auction a procurement project for a 200 mega watt ...

Police name five suspects in procurement of driving simulators

The National Police`s Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) has named five suspects in an alleged corruption ...

State firms have adequate funds to take over Inalum

State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan said on Thursday state firms have adequate funds to take over PT Indonesia ...

Indonesian govt expands futures exchange coverage

Indonesia`s Commodities Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti) plans to expand coverage to include foreign ...

Foreign currency term deposit auction oversubscribed

The first auction of foreign currency term deposit by Bank Indonesia on Wednesday has been oversubscribed as many ...

Geothermal potential in Dua Sudara and Airmadidi, North Sulawesi

The energy and mineral resources office of North Sulawesi province is examining two areas - Dua Sudara and Airmadidi ...

1923 Leica camera fetches 2.16 million euros at auction

A Leica camera prototype made in 1923 fetched 2.16 million euros ($2.79 million) at auction on Saturday, setting a ...

Telkom begins tender for Manado-Papua optic cable

State telecommunications operator PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk has begun a tender for the construction of 5,600 km ...

RI govt to sell bonds worth Rp6 tln on Wednesday

The Indonesian government is to sell rupiah-denominated bonds of Rp6 trillion in an auction on Wednesday to meet part ...

Former senior tax official named suspect in graft case

The Attorney General`s Office has named a former secretary of the directorate general of taxes as a new suspect in an ...

Entry Deadline Extended for Asia's Richest Jazz & Blues Competition

-The Entries close Friday, May 4, 2012, 6 pm (HK time)     Venetian Carnival has extended the entry ...

Govt signs contracts of eight CBM blocks

The Indonesian government signed working contracts on eight CBM (coal bed methane) gas blocks in Kalimantan and ...

RI govt raises Rp2.2 trillion from bond auctions

The Indonesian government raised Rp2.2 trillion in funds from the sale of state bonds in an auction on Tuesday. ...

Government sells bonds to cover 2012 budget

The Indonesian government is selling state bonds worth Rp9 trillion to assist in funding the 2012 state budget. ...

Titanic`s last lunch menu sells for $122,000

A menu for the last luncheon served to first class passengers on the doomed Titanic sold for £76,000 ($122,000, ...