Indonesian Trade Minister Thomas Lembong has stated that the country needs to pay more attention to services sector as ...
There is a high likelihood that the trade deficit in December would continue throughout 2016, according to ...
Although it claims to have had a surplus of rice in 2015, Indonesia still imported rice throughout the year and will ...
Indonesia still has a deficit in its balance of trade as its exports have not recovered, Finance Minister Bambang ...
Indonesia has posted its first monthly trade deficit in 2015 amounting to US$346.4 million in November, according to ...
The Indonesian rupiah closed lower at Rp14,003 per dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Friday evening, down ...
Indonesias current account deficit in the third quarter of 2015 fell US$3 billion to US$4 billion, from US$7 billion ...
The government will issue eight new policies to settle structural problems that have come in the way of reducing the ...
Indonesia suffered a trade deficit of US$1.88 billion in 2014 with imports reaching US$178.89 billion and exports ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) has estimated that an increase in export activity, in line with global economic recovery, can help ...
Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said the current account deficit in April had caused fluctuations in the ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) has warned of burgeoning oil and gas imports in the second and third quarters that may lead to an ...
The Indonesian rupiah edged up 43 points to close at 11,273 per dollar on Monday evening against 11,316 per dollar ...
Finance minister Chatib Basri has predicted a surplus in the trade balance in February 2014, due to improving export ...
Indonesia is striving to maximize the use of bio-diesel as part of efforts to reduce imports of oil and gas to reduce ...