#bali government

Collection of bali government news, found 83 news.

Myuran, Andrew to be transferred to Nusakambangan: Attorney General

Attorney General HM Prasetyo confirmed here on Friday that the two Australian death row convicts will be moved to ...

Bali government hopes visa-free entry can boost tourism

Bali provincial government is optimistic that visa-free access to the citizens of five countries can increase the ...

Bali earmarks Rp32.36 bln for bureaucratic reforms

The regional government of Bali province has allocated Rp32.369 billion for governance and bureaucratic reform ...

Bali government carries out coral reef rehabilitation progrram

The Bali provincial administration conducted a coral reef rehabilitation program to ensure the sustainability of ...

Bali government allocates Rp4 billion in subsidies for organic fertilizers

The Bali provincial government has allocated Rp4 billion in subsidies for organic fertilizers in an effort to increase ...

Bali`s coffee exports up 3.31 pct

Bali exported 961 kilograms of coffee worth 74,376.67 US dollars in the first quarter this year, a 3.31 pct increase ...

Coral Reefs Recover But Still Need Protection

Coral reefs have been in the international spotlight lately following a marine survey by Conservation International ...

Bali to conduct anti-rabies vaccination drive

Bali`s Animal Husbandry Office is to conduct anti-rabies vaccination to all pet dogs in the province starting May-July ...