#banda aceh

Collection of banda aceh news, found 785 news.

Of Jakarta`s 350 parks, only a few worth visiting

Of the 350 parks in Jakarta, only 10-15 are worth a visit, according to urban park expert Nirwono Joga. "Most of ...

Weh Island waters home to 133 coral species

A recent study has concluded that the waters off Weh Island, Sabang city, Aceh province, are home to 133 coral reef ...

Korean company to invest in Sabang

Mirae Energy Co.Ltd. of South Korea plans to invest US$12.5 million in the Sabang free port and trade zone in Aceh ...

Indonesian hajj pilgrims dying in Saudi Arabia rise to 20

Five Indonesian hajj pilgrims died on Sunday, three in Medina and two in Mecca, bringing the number to 20 of ...

Indonesia to revive old wisdom to promote sustainable tourism

Using their native wisdom, culturally-rich Indonesians have practiced environmental preservation and sustainable ...

Islamic leaders support journalists` sharia caucus

Aceh Islamic clerics and regional administration support the establishment of a caucus aimed to fully implement the ...

Indonesian govt announces decision to revive aceh paper and fertilizer cos

The Indonesian government plans to revive PT Kertas Kraf Aceh and PT ASEAN Aceh Fertilizer to boost the region`s ...

Quake jolts Simeulu

The Meteorology office said a quake 5.7 on the Richter scale hit area southwest of the Simeulue regency of Nanggroe ...

Magnitude 5.4 earthquake jolts south Bengkulu

An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale jolted southern part of Bengkulu at 10.09 on Tuesday morning, ...

Four missing in flash floods in Aceh

Two people were found dead and four others were missing after flash foods hit the sub-district of Leuser, Southeast ...

Bus operators complain of free "mudik" program

The post-fasting Id-ul Fitr holidays are special days that see millions of people traveling to their hometowns, ...

Over 1,300 motorcyclists to receive free journey home

More than 1,300 motorcyclists and 2,687 passengers will be given a free trip aboard the KRI Banda Aceh warship to ...

Aceh sets up counter terrorism unit

The Aceh province has become a strategic hideout for a terrorist group, Governor Zaini Abdullah said in a statement on ...

Military, Aceh police to join forces to combat illegal weapons use

Iskandar Muda regional military troops will team up with the Aceh regional police to head patrols and conduct raids to ...

Beef For The Poor, Journalists and The Rich in Ramadhan

Widows, orphans of the family of journalists as well as the active journalists including the press figures in Aceh ...