As a country located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia is prone to natural disasters such as volcano eruption, ...
Indonesia had been stricken by a total of 197 natural disasters during the January 1-23 period, according to data of ...
Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo tested positive for the novel coronavirus that causes ...
Indonesian Army (TNI AD) deployed ADRI 50, ADRI 51, and ADRI 52 ships to transport personnel, field hospital and heavy ...
Basic needs assistance from President Joko Widodo for victims of floods in South Kalimantan has been distributed in ...
Two Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) planes transported 14 tons of relief aid on Monday for victims of the 6.2-magnitude ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pointed to the massive flooding that hit 10 districts and cities in South Kalimantan ...
Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini has ensured quick responses in handling the impact of natural disasters that ...
The South Kalimantan police thwarted two suspected drug couriers' attempt to trade some 11.318 kilograms of crystal ...
An alpha male bekantan sits alone on a bench on the banks of Barito River in Curiak Island, Barito Kuala District, ...
The Indonesian government has been striving unceasingly to expand the protection and fulfillment of human rights (HAM) ...
Presidential spokesman Fadjroel Rachman affirmed that the Job Creation Law was a law for all Indonesians and the future ...
The Banjarmasin city police deployed 1,500 personnel to safeguard a rally staged by local workers and unionists on ...
Workers, Wednesday, will continue their nationwide strike, which started on Oct 6, against the House of ...
Indonesian customs and excise officials in Banten Province seized 1.7 million illegal cigarettes aboard two trucks from ...