#base transceiver stations

Collection of base transceiver stations news, found 80 news.

Telkomsel gained US$5.02 trillion in 2014

Telkomsel recorded a significant growth of Rp66.25 trillion, which is some US$5.02 trillion, in 2014, executive ...

Indosat`s cellular subscribers reach 52 million

State telecommunications operator PT Indosat Tbk said the number of its cellular subscribers in the first quarter of ...

Telkomsel Launches Facebook by Fonetwish in Indonesia

-     Telkomsel, Indonesia's largest telecom provider, with a reach of 106 million subscribers ...

Central Sulawesi to host Sail Tomini 2014

The Central Sulawesi province of Indonesia will now be able to host the international marine event, Sail Tomini in ...

XL seeking to sell 7,000 BTS

Publicly-listed cellular phone operator PT XL Axiata Tbk is looking into the possibility of selling 7,000 of its base ...