
Collection of bekasi news, found 1.703 news.

Jasa Marga prepares water pumps to prevent toll road flooding

PT Jasa Marga Toll Road Operator (JMTO) has readied 10 water pumps to anticipate flooding on the Jagorawi toll road due ...

RI, Japan conduct feasibility study on waste handling facilities

The Indonesian and Japanese governments teamed up to conduct a feasibility study on large-scale waste-handling ...

Ministers check Eid exodus preparations at Cikarang Utama Toll Gate

Human Development and Cultural Affairs Coordinating Minister Muhadjir Effendy and Women's Empowerment and Child ...

Indonesian homecoming Brexit tragedy should not recur: KSP

Chief of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Moeldoko reminded that the tragedy of severe traffic jams at the East ...

Indonesia expects 6 sport climbing athletes to qualify for Olympics

The Indonesian Sport Climbing Federation (FPTI) has projected that as many as six Indonesian sport climbing athletes ...

Trade Ministry destroys illegal imported goods worth Rp9.3 billion

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan and officials from his ministry's Directorate General of Consumer Protection and ...

Eid homecoming peak on Apr 6, Jasa Marga predicts

State-owned toll road operator PT Jasa Marga has informed that the peak of Eid al-Fitr homecoming is predicted on April ...

Telkomsel and Huawei Inaugurate Indonesia's First 5G Smart Warehouse and 5G Innovation Center

Jakarta, Indonesia, (ANTARA/PRNewswire) - Leading telecommunications provider Telkomsel and global ICT ...

Preventing stunting through family planning

Human quality has a significant impact on the success of a nation's development, and one of the most important ...

Mudik - Minister urges home-bound travelers not to use motorcycles

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has reiterated his call for residents not to use motorcycles for long ...

Jakarta has capital to become business city competing with New York

The metropolitan city of Jakarta has the capital to become a business and economic hub that can compete with New York ...


Preserving nature for a sustainable life in Jakarta's outskirts

The environment is an important part of human life. So, the way we treat the environment has a direct impact on our ...

Govt targets 1.4 million stunting-risk families to receive assistance

The National Food Agency (Bapanas) is targeting more than 1.4 million families at risk of stunting in seven provinces ...

Home affairs minister expects Jakarta to be like New York, Melbourne

Indonesia's Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian expressed hope that Jakarta would become an economic center ...

Joint SAR team searches for black box of Smart Aviation plane

The joint Search and Rescue (SAR) team is looking for the black box or Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Cockpit Voice ...