
Collection of bekasi news, found 1.703 news.

Ministry predicts home-bound travelers in 2014 to reach 27 million

The number of home-bound travelers during the Idul Fitri Holiday 2014 is expected to reach 27 million, according to a ...

Jakarta proposes to construct underground crossing tunnels

The Jakarta provincial administration plans to build underground crossing tunnels in several locations in the capital ...

Workers rally again at president`s palace for marking May Day

Thousands of workers staged another rally by marching from the Hotel Indonesia (HI) Circle to the Merdeka Palace, on ...

Jakarta police to deploy 19,000 personnel on May Day

The Jakarta Police will deploy some 19,557 personnel to guard the May Day rallies in the capital city where about ...

Voters defy preliminary electability surveys on Islamic-based parties

Most Islamic-based parties should thank survey institutes for issuing the polls showing that their prospects would be ...

Lampung to hold investment summit in May

The province of Lampung will hold an investment summit next months in a bid to draw investment to that region. ...

Bansos a political aid fund?

The government is generous enough to set aside a hefty amount of Rp91 trillion for social aid (Bansos). However, ...

Jakarta monorail project to be completed in 2017: Adhi Karya

Publicly traded construction company PT Adhi Karya Tbk said construction of Jakartas monorail project linking ...

Former party leader named as suspect in money laundering case

Former ruling Democrat Party leader Anas Urbaningrum was named as a suspect in a money laundering case by the ...

Tens of houses inundated in Subang, W. Java

Floods inundated several houses in the Subang District, West Java Province, following incessant heavy rains that ...

Floods inundate 18 thousand houses in Bandung district

Around 18 thousand houses were inundated in Bojongsoang, Baleendah and Dayeuhkolot sub-districts, Bandung District, ...

Floods still threatening Jakarta until March

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) called on residents of Jakarta and its satellite town of Bogor, Depok, ...

flooding sends thousands of Ifndonesians back to refugee camps

New waves of flooding has forced thousands of Indonesians to leave homes to suffer in refugee camps again. The ...

Helicopter makes emergency landing in Central Java

A helicopter had to make an emergency landing due to bad weather conditions at the Dukuh Jetis Square, Kadipaten ...

Govt to issue project-based sharia bonds worth Rp1.57 tln

The Indonesian government will issue project-based Shariah-compliant bonds (Sukuk), worth Rp1.57 trillion, to build ...