
Collection of bengkulu news, found 1.001 news.

"I will never give up my idealism"

The Constitutional Court chief justice, Mahfud MD, has stated that he will never trade his idealism for a political ...

Wave breaker of Bengkulu port collapses

Newly built wave breaker of Bengkulu port facing the Indian Ocean has collapsed hit by big waves and strong winds. ...

Bad weather to subside soon

Deputy of Science, Assessment and Information of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Prof DR ...

floods expand in several Indonesian provinces

Floods that have hit some parts of Indonesia since November 2012, are currently expanding in a number of provinces ...

Quake jolts Bengkulu

An earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale jolted Mukomuko district in Bengkulu at 9 am local time on Wednesday, ...

5.8-magnitude earthquake jolts Southwest Bengkulu

An earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale jolted Seluma (southwest), Bengkulu, at 3.46pm on Tuesday. ...

Indonesia did not have major natural disasters in 2012

Indonesia, a country which is prone to natural disasters - floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis ...

Kepahiang regency needs coffee factory

Coffee growers in the regency of Kepahiang, Bengkulu province, asked the government to invite investors to build a ...

Dengue threat to remain in 2013

Dengue fever will continue to loom large next year, so all Indonesians should be prepared to deal with an ...

Police to question witnesses in embezzlement case

The Bengkulu provincial police will soon question witnesses in the alleged embezzlement of more than Rp5 billion in ...

Rabies cases growing in Bengkulu

Bengkulu recorded growing number of cases of rabies, the city agriculture and animal husbandry office said. So ...

Roundup - Indonesia Marks International Anti-corruption Day

Joining other countries in marking the International Anti-Corruption Day which falls on December 9, Indonesian ...

Sumatran tiger tresspasses village, preying on cattles in Bengkulu

The conflict between human and Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) recurred in Bengkulu as the critically ...

Floods affect over 180 houses in Mukomuko

At least 180 houses were flooded in the Pondok Batu village of the Mukomuko District on Monday, following incessant ...

Long and winding road towards Sunda Strait Bridge

Indonesia has been dreaming of building the Sunda Strait Bridge, a mega project that will connect Indonesia`s two ...