
Collection of bengkulu news, found 1.001 news.

People in Bengkulu coastal area evacuate amid tsunami warning

Local people in coastal area in Bengkulu city started evacuating themselves amid the tsunami warning released by the ...

Agusrin taken to penitentiary to begin jail in corruption case

Convicted Bengkulu Governor, Agusrin Maryono Najamuddin, was taken to Cipinang Penitentiary, East Jakarta, on Tuesday ...

Trade minister calls for closer IMT-GT cooperation

Indonesian Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan has called for closer sub-regional cooperation between Indonesia, Malaysia, ...

100,000 inexpensive houses to be built in 50 Indonesian cities

The state-owned enterprise for housing, Perum Perumnas, will build 100 thousand inexpensive houses in 50 Indonesia ...

30,000 ancient Chinese coins found in Bengkulu

Local residents in Central Bengkulu district, Bengkulu province, Sumatra Island, found a jar containing ancient ...

Satellites detect 747 hot spots in Sumatera

Satellites from the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) have detected 747 hot spots in Sumatera ...

Moderate earthquake jolts Bengkulu

An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale rocked Bengkulu province at 3:54 pm on Wednesday but there were no ...

All of Sumatra regions share hot-spots

NOAA-18 Satellite operated by Singapore managed to detect 114 hot-spots throughout Sumatra island, analyst of the ...

Waves in Bengkulu waters 3.5 meters high

The Bengkulu Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKB) said the waves in the Bengkulu waters in these 12 ...

Moderate quake hits Bengkulu

A moderate quake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale hit Seluma, Bengkulu province, here on Monday at 06.17 AM. ...

Sea waves West of Bengkulu three meters high

An analyst of the Bengkulu Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has estimated that the sea waves in ...

One by One, Sumatran Tigers Fall Into Illegal Traps

Over the past two months, at least two Sumatran tigers (Pantera Tigris Sumatrae) have fallen into illegal traps ...

Mukomuko district to process garbage into organic fertilizer

The Mukomuko district government in Bengkulu province is to implement a program to recycle and process household ...

Again, tiger injured after being illegally trapped in Bengkulu

An injured sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) was rescued after it was found illegally trapped in Air Rami ...

Illegal logging threatens Raflesia flower in Bengkulu

Illegal logging in the protected Bukit Daun forest, Bengkulu, threatens the habitat of the world`s largest flower, ...