Even though it was a tough test of democracy, Indonesia's parliamentary and presidential elections were held ...
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya sought the General Elections Commission's (KPU's) assistance in conducting reassessment ...
Incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reiterated his call for the entire nation not to believe in fake news, false ...
Plastic waste is difficult to decompose and poses a serious threat to the environment. Therefore, the government ...
West Java`s Bogor city administration has decided to ban the use of plastic bags by shopping centers as from December ...
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto explained the development concept of Bogor City (West Java) in a forum at the 2018 ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received 32 mayors out of a total of 98 mayors at the Bogor Palace here, Monday. The ...
Bogor city in Indonesias province of West Java has offered the running track passed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ...
The annual training on leadership program conducted by Insantama Islamic High School, Bogor, West Java province, has ...
People enthusiastically lined the street leading to Bogor State Palace on Friday to see former US president Barack ...
The governments of Bogor City and Jakarta have made a joint commitment to making the Ciliwung River waste-free by 2020 ...
Queen Maxima of the Netherlands is on a working visit to Bogor City, West Java, as a special envoy of the United ...
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo does not want his activities at the Bogor Palace to cause any disturbance to the people ...
Vice presidential candidate Hatta Rajasa attended a grand religious sermon assembly (tabligh akbar) with noted ...
Not much could be expected from US President Barack Obama`s presence at the 19th ASEAN Summit in Bali on November 19, ...