
Collection of blud news, found 5 news.

Strengthen fiscal capacity through BLUDs, minister tells regions

Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian has urged regional governments to bolster their fiscal capacity through regional ...

Jakarta boosts BUMDs for global city vision

The Jakarta provincial government is strengthening synergy among its regional-owned enterprises (BUMDs) to prepare ...

Waste management still posing challenges: Environment Ministry

Waste management in Indonesia is still posing challenges, ranging from structural and institutional challenges to ...

Apkesmi seminar focuses on three efforts for advancing health centers

The Indonesian Public Health Center Association (Apkesmi) is holding the 2nd national seminar and workshop in Padang, ...

Raja Ampat launches tourism and conservation website

The government of Raja Ampat, West Papua, has launched a website on tourism and conservation to support tourism ...