Five of seven Japanese tourists who went missing while diving in the Nusa Lembongan waters in Bali on Friday have been ...
- Indonesia is one of the world's country with the highest tuna potential. According to the Ministry of Marine Affairs ...
The Denpasar Search and Rescue (SAR) team is searching for seven Japanese tourists who went missing in the waters off ...
Indonesia has accused Australia of no longer using comprehensive principles in dealing with asylum seekers. ...
Police in Riau province have arrested three Malaysians on charges of being involved in an international narcotic ...
Lawmaker Tjahjo Kumolo urged the foreign ministry to demand explanation from Papua New Guinea about report of PNG ...
The Indonesian government should protest against the Australian government by expelling their diplomats related to the ...
Tens of illegal immigrants from the Middle East were found stranded at Pangandaran Beach in West Java on Wednesday ...
Twenty-seven people aboard a boat that capsized in the Mahakam River in East Kalimantans Kutai Kartanegara district ...
A fisherman has been missing since Saturday in the sea off Jayapura near the sea border with Papua New Guinea (PNG) ...
Australia on Wednesday rejected claims by a group of asylum seekers that they were beaten and suffered burns while ...
Australia has damaged its human rights record by persistently undercutting refugee protections, including a ...
The sinking of the Permata Sukron vessel on Sunday evening in Lembata District led to the deaths of two passengers. ...
Indonesia has condemned the recent violation of its maritime border by the Australian Navy when it reportedly turned ...
A Malaysian citizen of Indian descent, MR, was caught at the Batam Center Ferry Port carrying 11,877 ecstasy pills ...