
Collection of bpbd news, found 1.451 news.

Landslide strikes six villages in C Java's Kudus

Heavy rains lashing Kudus District, Central Java, have triggered a landslide that hit six villages in Dawe Sub-district ...

Banjarnegara encumbered by 25 landslides since early January 2020

Some 25 landslides affected Banjarnegara District, Central Java Province, since early January 2020, an official of the ...

Whirlwind, torrential rains batter South Sulawesi

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported that whirlwind and heavy rains lashed South Sulawesi Province ...

Lebak's 18 Islamic boarding school buildings damaged by flooding

Nearly 18 Islamic boarding school (pesantren) buildings incurred serious damage after a flash flood recently inundated ...

Landslides, floods hit three sub-districts in South Sumatra's Lahat

Landslides and flash flood hit three sub-districts in Lahat District, South Sumatra Province, on Thursday morning after ...

Jokowi instructs local authority to halt illegal mining in Banten

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed the local authority to put a halt to illegal gold mining that has fueled ...

15 hot spots detected in Riau: BMKG

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) detected 15 hotspots in six districts of Riau Province on ...

Helicopter deployed to disburse vital aid to Lebak flood survivors

The government has deployed a helicopter to dispense humanitarian assistance to flood and landslide survivors in Lebak ...

Flash flood in Lebak majorly wrecks 1,060 houses

A total of 1,060 houses in six sub-districts in Lebak District, Banten Province, suffered severe damage after ...

All flood victims to receive proper care: Social affairs minister

Social Affairs Minister Juliari P. Batubara, in a statement on Friday, made assurance of proper handling and evacuation ...

Floods swamp several areas in Bekasi

Torrential rains lashing through the night led to flooding in several areas in Bekasi City, West Java, on early ...

Strong wind, heavy rains damage a dozen of houses in Jember

Strong wind, followed by heavy, incessant rains, lashed the villages of Lampeji and Suco in Jember District, East Java ...

Heavy downpour ravages tens of houses in West Papua's Wasior

Heavy, incessant rains lashed Wasior City in Teluk Wondama District, West Papua, Monday afternoon, prompting the ...

Emergency alert status announced in Riau following flash floods

The Riau provincial administration declared an emergency alert status over the ongoing threats of flood and landslide ...

Riau's flash floods, landslide claim six lives

Six people died as flash floods and a landslide hit certain areas in Riau Province, Riau Disaster Mitigation ...