
Collection of calculation news, found 534 news.

Indonesian govt needs to improve preparations for upcoming local elections

Indonesia is set to hold 269 regional head elections (pilkada) simultaneously on December 9, including nine ...

Economic slowdown in indonesia will be temporary: ADB

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) believes that the economic slowdown in Indonesia will be temporary, as expansion of ...

Country`s food import policy depends on people`s eating habits: VP Kalla

A governments policy on importing food depends on the way its people eat and on whether it involves wastage, Vice ...

Telkom to fight for superiority in signal in border area

PT Telkom Indonesia said it will fight for superiority in signal against Malaysian telecommunications provider in the ...

AspenTech Unveils aspenONE(R) Version 8.8 Software to Help Manufacturers Achieve Operational Excellence

Aspen Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: AZPN), a leading provider of optimization software for the process industries, today ...

Electricity crisis occurs due to miscalculation: VP

The electricity crisis that hit several areas in Indonesia was caused by miscalculation, according to Vice President ...

Health minister to suggest evaluation of BPJS health insurance

Health Minister Nila F Moeloek will put forth a suggestion to evaluate a health insurance program run by the Social ...

President asks citizens to be optimistic about Indonesia`s economic growth

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has called on his countrymen to be optimistic about the nations economic condition in ...

Govt to reduce budget deficit to below two percent

The government aims to curtail the deficit in the 2015 revised budget to below two percent of the gross domestic ...

Bank Indonesia increases BI rate to offset fuel price hike

Reacting to the subsidized fuel price hike, Bank Indonesia decided Tuesday to increase the BI Rate by 25 bps to 7.75 ...

Indonesian govt considered global oil prices to set subsidized fuel prices

The government considered the US dollar exchange rate and international oil prices before increasing the prices of ...

Indonesian new minister vows to crack down upon illegal fishing

Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has vowed to step up efforts to curb illegal fishing in ...

Pertamina lifts subsidized fuel oil sale restriction

Subsidized fuel supplies are expected to return to normal, once state-owned oil and gas Pertamina lifts sale ...

Govt to revise sugar reference price

The government will shortly revise the Sugar Reference Price (HPP) of crystal sugar from the current level of Rp8,250 ...

Election participation down: Commisioner

Public participation in the Indonesian presidential election this year has been recorded lower than in 2009, Election ...