#cancer cases

Collection of cancer cases news, found 53 news.

Indonesia records 34,000 lung cancer cases annually: Health Ministry

Indonesia sees 34 thousand new cases of lung cancer every year, with the number of deaths reaching 30 thousand to 31 ...

Health Ministry ensures HPV vaccine does not cause infertility

The Indonesian Ministry of Health made assurance that the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine administered to girls does ...

Ministry changes standard for cervical cancer examination to HPV DNA

The Indonesian Health Ministry has changed the standard for cervical cancer examination, which originally used the ...

Indonesia pushes access to innovative biopharmaceutical products

The Indonesian Health Ministry is aiming to expand access to innovative biopharmaceutical products as part of efforts ...

Indonesia looks to expand number of oncology specialist nurses

Indonesia's Health Ministry is aiming to boost the availability of oncology specialist nurses in Indonesia to ...

Ministry seeks uniform coverage of early cancer detection program

The Health Ministry is making efforts to step up its program for the early detection of cancer by implementing ...

Bio Farma, US pharma company cooperate for HPV vaccine production

State-owned pharmaceutical holding company Bio Farma is collaborating with Merck Sharp Dohme (MSD), one of the largest ...

Advancing the collective task to raise awareness on breast cancer

Breast cancer remains a serious issue for Indonesian women, as the Health Ministry said it contributes to the largest ...

Transforming referral health services to handle rising NCD cases: govt

The transformation of referral health services is being carried out to deal with the increasing number of cases of ...

Ministry builds collaboration for biobank ecosystem

The Health Ministry is building collaboration with private pharmaceutical companies to support the establishment of a ...

Some 70 percent cancer-related deaths occur in developing countries

Out of the 10 million deaths caused by cancer worldwide, some 70 percent are found to occur in developing countries, ...

Parents must increase their awareness on childhood cancer: IDAI

Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, chairperson of the central board of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), on ...

Gov't outlines four strategies for cancer handling, prevention

The government is ready to implement four strategies to prevent and handle cancer cases in Indonesia, Director of ...

Government commends launch of breast cancer guidebook

The Indonesian government commended the launch of the Navigation Guide for Breast Cancer Patients guidebook by the ...

Vaping carries lung cancer risk: YKI

The risk of lung cancer from vapes or e-cigarettes is believed to be the same as that from cigarettes, according to the ...