#cancer cases

Collection of cancer cases news, found 53 news.

Olympus to support endoscopic AI diagnosis education for doctors in Thailand

Olympus Corporation (Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO: Yasuo Takeuchi) took part in a ...

Early detection effective to prevent risk of developing breast cancer

Early detection is an effective way to prevent the risk of developing breast cancer by increasing the likelihood of ...

2.5 mln cancer cases in 2020, treatment cost Rp3.5 trillion

The treatment of 2.5 million cancer cases in Indonesia in 2020 cost up to Rp3.5 trillion, Vice Health Minister Dr. ...

New subgroup analysis shows Asian non-small cell lung cancer patients with most common EGFR mutation (del19) lived significantly longer with first-line GIOTRIF® (afatinib*) compared to chemotherapy

- For Media In Asian Countries Only For Whom The Data Is Relevant (For media outside UK, US and Canada only)Boehringer ...

1.5 Million Premature Cancer Deaths Could be Prevented per Year if Targets Set to Reduce NCDs are Met by 2025

-On World Cancer Day, UICC and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reveal real-life impact of achieving ...

France advises 30,000 to have breast implants removed - (d)

France's health ministry advised 30,000 women with breast implants made by French firm PIP to have them removed on ...

Developing nations must prioritize fight against cervical cancer

A Dutch gynecologist has called cervical cancer (or cancer of the cervix) a developing country disease because 80 ...

Alcohol "a major cause of cancer"

About one in 10 cancers in men and one in 33 in women in western European countries are caused by current and past ...