
Collection of captive news, found 145 news.

Electric peak load hits new highest record in Jamali: PLN

State-run electric company PT PLN (Persero) recorded that the electricity peak load during the day in the Java Madura ...

PLN's Q1 electricity sales up 8.42% to 65.42 TWh

State-owned electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) reported that its electricity sales in the first ...

Minister Hartarto reviews digitalization in Jakarta traditional market

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto, Grab Indonesia President Ridzki Kramadibrata, and Bank ...

Lebak traders profit from Cimenga palm sugar sales

Cimenga palm sugar made by Cijaku craftsmen, Lebak District, Banten Province, has the best quality in the ...

Two wild tiger traps installed in West Sumatra's Tigo Balai village

The Agam Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has installed two wild tiger cage traps in areas where several ...

Baby elephant born in North Sumatra's Tangkahan CRU

North Sumatra Office Doni Latuperisa opined that more clusters of elephant rehabilitation centers are required. The ...

Discover China: Hainan gibbons: Primate singers expand their forest stage

It first sounds like a whistle or birdsong, and within minutes the solo turns into a chorus with a melody reminiscent ...

Indonesian held hostage in Philippines killed in gunfight: govt

An Indonesian taken hostage by the Abu Sayyaf terror group earlier this year has been killed in a gunfight between the ...

Petrokimia exports 188,000 tons of NPS fertilizer to India in 2019

State-owned fertilizer company PT Petrokimia Gresik exported 26 thousand tons of NPS 20-20-0+13S in bulk to India, ...

40 Sumatran rhinos in Way Kambas National Park

Half of the population of Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) live within the area of Way Kambas National ...

Indonesia, neighbors work closely to release abducted citizens

The government has continued to work hand in hand with Malaysia and the Philippines to facilitate the release of three ...

Weekend Stories

Entong Gendut and fight for farmers' cause in early 1900s

As Indonesians get into the spirit of celebrating the country’s heroes on November 10, they have again begun ...

BKSDA reveals protected animal trade in W Sumatra

Agam District's Natural Resources and Conservation Office in West Sumatra Province had revealed three instances of ...

Armed group kidnaps three Indonesian fishermen in Lahad Datu, Malaysia

Indonesian Consulate in Tawau Sulistiyo Djati Ismoyo gave confirmation of an armed group kidnapping three Indonesian ...

Tesso Nilo's elephants show signs of stress due to forest fire

Mahouts of the elephant Flying Squad at the Tesso Nilo National Park had to evacuate the trained elephants to a safer ...