
Collection of casualties news, found 1.389 news.

Infrastructure development should not increase disaster risk: Jokowi

Infrastructure development should reduce the disaster risk rather than increase it, according to President Joko Widodo ...

President urges Basarnas to intensify collaboration

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) urged the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) to strengthen collaboration and ...

Cumulonimbus cloud growth intensity causes strong winds: BMKG

Strong winds that occurred recently were caused by the growth of intense cumulonimbus clouds in recent weeks, the ...

News Focus

Preparing disaster-resilient community in earthquake-prone Indonesia

Earthquakes are common in parts of Indonesia, the world's largest archipelagic nation located in the Pacific Ring ...

4.2-magnitude earthquake jolts Papua's Jayapura district

An earthquake of magnitude 4.2 jolted Jayapura District in the eastern Indonesian province of Papua on Sunday morning, ...

Poor building designs reflect lack of disaster preparedness: BMKG

The poor concept of buildings and spatial planning for residential areas indicate that the public is ill-prepared to ...

Normalcy has returned in Eastern Indonesia, Security Minister affirms

The situation in Maluku, West Papua, and Papua has returned to normal following isolated incidents of violence in the ...

Mitigation efforts after Banten quake

According to the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the 6.6-magnitude earthquake which struck ...

6.1-magnitude earthquake rattles Talaud Islands in North Sulawesi

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake hit Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi Province, on Saturday, at 9.26 a.m. Western Indonesian ...

6.6-M Banten quake lesson on disaster preparedness: BMKG

The 6.6-magnitude (M) earthquake that rattled Banten province on January 14, 2022, can serve as a lesson for disaster ...

Knowledge management needed to build disaster resilience: BNPB

Knowledge management is required to build resilience to disasters, deputy for systems and strategy at the National ...

BPBD confirms Banten earthquake affected 19 sub-districts in Lebak

The 6.6-magnitude earthquake that struck on Friday (Jan 14) affected 19 of the 28 sub-districts in Lebak District, ...

Banten's earthquake has damaged 1,909 houses in Pandeglang: BPBD

 A strong earthquake that jolted Sumur Sub-district in Pandeglang District, Banten Province, on Friday has damaged ...

BMKG records 33 aftershocks following 6.6-magnitude Banten quake

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) recorded that as of Saturday at 12 p.m. Western Indonesian ...

Magnitude 6.6 quake striking Banten damaged 1,231 homes

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake that struck Banten Province on Friday, damaged 1,231 houses in three districts. Lebak, ...