#central bank

Collection of central bank news, found 1.851 news.

Rupiah strengthens 164 points to Rp13,231 per U$

The Indonesian rupiah rose 164 points to close at Rp13,231 per US dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on ...

Pertamina cuts prices of non-subsidized fuels

Jakarta (ANTARA News)  - State-owned oil and gas company Pertamina has reduced the prices of its Pertamax, ...

Non bank foreign exchange debtors adopt prudential principles

Bank Indonesia said at least 85 percent or 2,166 non bank companies have adopted the prudential principle in their ...

State-owned lender Bank Mandiri to cut lending rate

State-owned lender Bank Mandiri said it would cut its lending rate by 25 - 50 basis points to follow the central bank ...

BNI to cut lending rate in April

State-owned Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) plans to lower its lending rate on small-scale credits worth up to Rp5 billion ...

House, govt pass 6 bills into law

The House of Representatives (DPR) and the government have passed six bills into law during the third session the ...

Coal exports from South Kalimantan remain on decline

South Kalimantans coal exports declined again by 9.8 percent to 126,800 tons in 2015 from 140,500 tons in the previous ...

Indonesia to reopen banking transactions with Iran

Indonesia said it is open to resume banking transactions with Iran following the lifting of economic sanctions against ...

Indonesia asks G20 to implement taxation cooperation

Indonesia has asked the worlds 20 biggest economies (G20) to implement the international taxation cooperation on time ...

RI calls for G20 commitment to tax information exchange

Indonesia has called for the commitment of G20 economies to automatic sharing of taxation and financial transaction ...

UnionPay International works with the top four banks in Thailand to build the local bankcard switching system

-On February 24, UnionPay International, together with Thailand's top four commercial banks, announced that TPN (Thai ...

Banks not being coerced into lowering deposit interest rates: Minister

The government will not coerce banks into lowering their deposit interest rates though these continue to be high as of ...

Indonesia to bring banking rate down to single digit

In order to make the countrys economy more efficient and competitive as it faces the ASEAN Economic Community, the ...

Capital inflow expected to double this year

The governments step to launch a series of economic policy packages and the effort by the Indonesian central bank ...

Government finalizing steps to lower landing rates

Chief Economic Minister Darmin Nasution said the government is finalizing steps to lower the lending rate which is ...