
Collection of chamber news, found 1.248 news.

Pompeo announces $113 mln in new U.S. initiatives in `Indo-Pacific`

Building on President Donald Trump`s "Indo-Pacific" strategy, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday ...

Indonesia, Singapore have much homework to do: Attorney general

Attorney General Prasetyo said here on Thursday that Indonesia still has a lot of homework to do with Singapore in the ...

Vice President receives delegation of Eurocham Indonesia

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla received a delegation of the European Chamber (Eurocham) Indonesia, led by its Executive ...

Some 50 indian businessmen to visit Indonesia in October

Businessmen of some 50 Indian companies were scheduled to visit Jakarta at the end of October to explore trade ...

Dashang Group launches digital shopping APP Tiangou Net, making it easier to shop

-In late June this year, the China General Chamber of Commerce has released China's top 100 retailers in 2017. Dashang ...

Indonesia Keen to Enhance Trade with Andaman, Nicobar islands

Indonesia is seeking to enhance trade with India, eyeing especially the market of the Andaman and Nicobar islands, as ...

Indonesia, India step up bilateral ties

Indonesia and India are currently moving ahead to intensify bilateral ties in various fields, including stepping up ...

Indonesian, Indian chambers agree to partnership in four sectors

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) agreed to focus on ...

Indonesia chamber sets up India Bilateral Committee

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and the Indian Embassy in Jakarta have set up an India ...

President tells families to fight ideology of terror

President Joko Widodo spoke about the cruelty of terrorism at a fast-breaking gathering with officials of state ...

London School, GO-JEK collaborate for higher education vision

London School of Public Relations (LSPR.

People should take advantage of rupiah depreciation

The government and the people, especially businesses, should be able to take advantage of the rupiah depreciation that ...

World's first blockchain-based e-Certificate of Origin [eCO] unveiled in Singapore yesterday

The world's first blockchain-based Electronic Certificate of Origin [eCO] platform was unveiled in Singapore yesterday ...

Rupiah depreciation to benefit exporters: Kadin

The rupiah depreciation against the US dollar would benefit exporters, and it should become a momentum to encourage ...

Indonesia, China discuss efforts to improve economic cooperation

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang held a bilateral meeting in Jakarta on ...