
Collection of circle news, found 500 news.

Understand need for Jakarta PSBB extension: business body

The Association of Indonesia's Indigenous Businessmen (HIPPI), Jakarta chapter, has said it understands Jakarta ...

South Sumatra police uncover 31 drug cases in September first-week

In the first week of September 2020, the South Sumatra police successfully uncovered 31 drug cases and arrested 29 ...

Singer Reza Artamevia detained over drug use, named suspect

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police have declared Indonesian singer Reza Artamevia, who was arrested at a restaurant in ...

Tommy Hilfiger accelerates sustainability journey with ambitious Make it Possible program

Tommy Hilfiger, which is owned by PVH Corp. [NYSE:PVH] announces Make it Possible, a bold approach to environmental ...

News Focus

Indonesia challenged to resolve alcohol addiction in Papua

Alcohol consumption remains a serious problem in Papua though the liquor production, distribution, and sale have ...

TV actor Ridho Ilahi faces drug offense charges: Jakarta police

Television actor Ridho Ilahi is charged with a drug offense after forensic laboratory testing confirmed that a drug ...

Fisheries Ministry issues licenses to 26 baby lobster exporters

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Ministry has issued licenses to 26 companies for exporting baby lobsters, with ...

KPU should reject candidacy of former drug users: Gerindra

Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party urged the General Elections Commission’s (KPU’s) regional offices ...

Drug trade continues to endanger 24 neighborhoods in Kendari: BNN

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) cautioned residents of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, of the omnipresent danger of ...

Researcher calls to acknowledge, laud police's successful war on drugs

The National Police's Red and White Special Task Force personnel are duly entitled to receive rewards to commend ...

350,000 residents saved after Medan police's 35-kg crystal meth bust

The Medan Metropolitan Police was able to protect 350 thousand citizens from being siphoned into a vicious circle of ...

West Nusa Tenggara police instructed to uncover prison drug trade

West Nusa Tenggara Police Chief Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal instructed his personnel to endeavor ceaselessly to ...

South Kalimantan police investigate attacker's links to ISIS

South Kalimantan police investigators are focusing their probe into the ISIS link of a lone wolf, who assaulted a ...

COVID-19: Recoveries increase by 235 to reach 5,877

With 235 more COVID-19 patients recovering from the infection in Indonesia, the total number of recoveries has ...

Public adherence instrumental in ushering in new normal: Governor

 Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan reiterated that public adherence to the health protocol under the large-scale ...