
Collection of citizen news, found 1.185 news.

Indonesia urges Malaysia to provide consular access to Siti Aisyah

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged the Malaysian Government to grant a consular access to Siti Aisyah, named a ...

MetLife is first U.S. insurer to achieve carbon neutrality

- MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET) today announced that it has achieved its 2015 goal of carbon neutrality, becoming the first ...

Indonesia govt lauds Malaysia`s legal process in Siti Aisyah`s investigation

The Indonesian government has followed and lauded the ongoing legal process undertaken by its Malaysian counterpart in ...

Siti Aisyah`s detention to be extended: Official

The detention of Siti Aisyah, who was named a suspect in the murder of a North Korean named Kim Jong Nam in Malaysia, ...

Indonesia, Vietnam, and Malaysia discuss N. Korean murder case

Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi and her Vietnamese and Malaysian counterparts met in the Philippines to discuss the ...

Indonesian scholar theorizes motives behind Jong-nam's murder

Teguh Santosa, secretary general of the Indonesia-North Korea Friendship Association, highlighted three possible ...

Embassy`s legal assistance for Indonesian suspect in Jong-Nam`s murder

The Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur has assigned lawyers to provide legal assistance for Indonesian citizen, Siti ...

Character education helps improve academic achievement

Character education at school is believed to able to greatly help the learners with their academic subjects. ...

Indonesia continues to request consular access to Siti Aisyah

The Indonesian Government continued to communicate with the Malaysian authority in requesting for a consular access to ...

Deputy foreign minister confirms authenticity of Siti Aisyah`s passport

Indonesias Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir has confirmed the authenticity of the passport ...

Malaysian national shot dead for allegedly carrying drugs

A Malaysian citizen, who was allegedly carrying crystal meth, was shot dead by the National Narcotic Agency (BNN) ...

Indonesian citizen killed in plane crash in Perth

An Indonesian woman was among the victims of a light plane crash in Swan River, Perth, West Australia, on Thursday, ...

Islamic figure questioned over communist party picture claim

The Indonesian police has questioned Islamic figure Habib Rizieq Shihab over his claim that the new rupiah banknotes ...

Closely supervising temporary foreign workers

Reports on arrests and deportations of foreign workers have become quite frequent lately, as regional authorities ...

Five foreigners file pretrial over arrest for immigration violation

Four Chinese nationals and one Malaysian citizen have filed a pretrial over their arrest by the Meulaboh Immigration ...