Indonesias newly elected president this year will work towards improving the future relations between the two ...
The police force confirmed that an armed civilian group was responsible for the recent armed conflict in the Puncak ...
The Indonesian military said it hopes the government of Papua New Guinea acts firmly against armed civilians that ...
Turkey banned YouTube on Thursday after the video-sharing website was used to spread damaging leaked audio files from ...
At least two people, who belonged to a tribe in Timikas remote areas, died after some unknown people hit them with ...
Two police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel were injured in a clash with an armed group at Kilo village some 160 km ...
Two members of a terrorist group had been killed in a shootout in Poso, Central Sulawesi, on Thursday, the police ...
Palestinians beat and detained several Israeli settlers who had entered a village near the West Bank city of Nablus ...
Heavy fighting between government forces and rebels was raging Thursday in South Sudans key oil-producing north, ...
University of California-Berkeley has been an important center for Indonesian Studies and the home to respected ...
The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore has said no Indonesian citizens were involved in the riot that broke out in the ...
Twenty-seven people have been detained following a clash between security personnel and demonstrators in Walenrang ...
Four senior high school students have been found dead in connection with a recent student brawl in Karangtengah, ...
The Semarang court prosecutor on Thursday demanded a seven-month jail term for two members of the Islam Defenders ...
Commander of 743/PSY Infantry Battalion of Boundary Security Task Force in RI - Timor Leste border Major Budi Prasetyo ...