#climate action

Collection of climate action news, found 194 news.

London solidifies lead, New York rises fast and Tokyo retains 3rd in global rankings

- London, New York, Tokyo and Paris were again named the world’s most comprehensively attractive cities, in that ...

Success of Paris Agreement depends on Sumatran forests: Harrison Ford

One of the keys to the success of the implementation of the Paris Agreement depends on the condition of the Sumatran ...

UN chief calls on youth to fight climate change

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that with climate change a direct threat to mankind youth should ...

Italy backs Indonesia`s palm oil in EU

Italy is supporting Indonesia`s bid to use palm oil as one of the biofuels in the European Union (EU) market, ...

Buddhist leader Ikeda urges human rights focus as key to resolution of global issues and nuclear weapons abolition

-On January 26, 2018, Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda, President of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), issued his ...

Government to synchronize development plans with UN SDGs

The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of National Development Planning and the National Development Planning ...

UN Global Pulse and Western Digital announce ‘Data for Climate Action’ challenge now open for entries

- Global Pulse, the United Nations innovation initiative on big data, and Western Digital ...

Indonesia's commitment to reducing gas emission questioned

Indonesian plan to build coal fired power plants with a total capacity of 20,000 megawatts under its energy program ...

EARTH WIRE -- Morocco urges climate finance flows to most vulnerable states

Moroccos Foreign Minister Salaheddine Mezouar called on Monday (Nov. 7) for designing concrete actions to support ...

EARTH WIRE -- 100 parties join Paris Agreement: UN Official

The Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Patricia Espinosa, ...

President Jokowi leaves for Boyolali to commemorate World Food Day

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana left for Boyolali District, Central Java Province, to attend a ...

New ways to lower investment risk seek to propel climate action

As small-scale farmers around the world seek to cope with climate change by adopting drought-resistant crops or ...

Climate Reality Launches 24 Hours of Reality: 24 Reasons for Hope

- The Climate Reality Project's fourth-annual 24 Hours of Reality broadcast, 24 Hours of Reality: 24 Reasons for Hope, ...

RI part of global solution to climate change

In relation to mitigating the adverse impact of climate change, Indonesia has been implementing a number of proper ...