
Collection of cocaine news, found 85 news.

Jakarta police arrest soap opera actor over illicit drug consumption

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police's anti-drug squad personnel apprehended Achmad Reza, alias Reza Alatas, a popular ...

Four drug dealers, couriers in Palembang to serve 13-year imprisonment

The judiciary panel of Palembang City's district court sentenced four drug dealers and couriers to 13 years' ...

Police confirm arrest of crystal meth producer in East Jakarta

East Jakarta Metropolitan Police arrested a man, identified by his initials as DI, for allegedly producing crystal ...

80 percent of marijuana in Papua smuggled from PNG: BNN

Indonesia's National Narcotics Agency (BNN) reported on Friday that 80 percent of the marijuana sold in Papua ...

Andi Novalita fails drug test: police

A Jakarta Metropolitan Police's spokesman confirmed that FTV Actress and adult magazine model Andi Novalita, alias ...

Adult magazine model arrested for allegedly consuming drugs

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police's anti-drug squad personnel apprehended adult magazine model Andi Novalita alias ...

Jakarta police release three friends of Lucinta Luna

The West Jakarta Metropolitan Police released three friends of Lucinta Luna, a transgender celebrity arrested during a ...

Jakarta police still probe Lucinta Luna's drug supplier

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police are still investigating a drug ring that supplied psychotropic drugs to Lucinta Luna, a ...

7 arrested drug dealers maybe from big syndicates

In less than two months, the South Jakarta Metropolitan Police's anti-drug squad has apprehended seven suspected ...

Saving Indonesia's entertainers from drug trap

Indonesia's world of entertainment remains vulnerable to drugs as is apparent from the arrests of several ...

Drug dealer in Jakarta orders cocaine through social media platforms

Female movie star Nanie Darham was arrested in Jakarta, Feb 2, for allegedly trading cocaine, with police investigators ...

Indonesia and Colombia ready to support drug control

Indonesia is cooperating with Colombia in terms of drug control because it has become a global problem, so ...

News Focus

Drug rings keep challenging Indonesia`s law enforcers By Rahmad Nasution

The National Narcotics Agency`s (BNN) success in thwarting an attempt to smuggle some 1.4 tonnes of marijuana into ...

Four kilograms of crystal meth destroyed in Aceh: BNN

The Aceh National Narcotics Agency (BNN) here on Wednesday destroyed four kilograms of crystal methamphetamine that ...

Uncovered drug cases in Indonesia increase in early 2019: police

The National Police recorded an increase in the number of drug cases they uncovered in the fourth week of December ...