
Collection of cocoa news, found 237 news.

Indonesian trade mission to Pakistan opens investment opportunities

The Indonesian Trade Ministry`s Trade Mission to Pakistan has recorded potential trade and investment transactions of ...

US ambassador criticizes Indonesia`s import restrictions on agricultural products

US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph R Donovan criticized Indonesias import restrictions on food and agricultural ...

CPO reference price weakening

The Ministry of Trade has set the Reference Price of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) for November 2017 at US$737.59 per metric ...

Sukhoi Su-35 for Indonesia "full gear"

Indonesia's Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said that the 11 Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E jet fighters, which were ...

Indonesia, Belarus improve bilateral cooperation

Indonesia and Belarus are committed to enhance their bilateral cooperation for the benefit of the communities of both ...

Indonesia considers S Africa as entry point for its products

The Indonesian government expected South Africa to be an entry point for domestic products, particularly for countries ...

Japanese investor to build cocoa factory in Gorontalo

Japanese investor Tokyo Food and Kanimatsu Corporation is keen to build a cocoa processing factory in Boalemo ...

President Jokowi opens KTNA National Week in Aceh

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially opened the 17th National Week (Penas) of the Andalan Farmers and Fishermen ...

President calls to optimize cultivation of superior crops

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has urged the regional governments to optimize the cultivation of superior crops in ...

Small and big firms should forge business ties: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said a business partnership between small businesses and big ones should be implemented ...

Papua releases export containers to China

The Papua provincial government, facilitated by the Indonesian ship management PT. Pelindo IV, has released 100 ...

Expanding red fruit crops in Papua

The Papua provincial government has made every effort to expand the crops of red fruit tree, found very effective for ...

Fruits of the Past: Revisiting Indonesia’s trade policy

- Indonesia cannot afford to lose its focus on improving its trade policies. Joko Widodo’s administration has ...

Trump`s game on tariff

On the day of his inauguration, the United States President Donald Trump stated that he was going to prioritize ...

CPO exit tax set at US$18 per ton

The Indonesian government has fixed the export tax on crude palm oil (CPO) at US$18 per metric ton for February 2017 ...