#community resilience

Collection of community resilience news, found 46 news.

Indonesia, US look to build resilience against extremism

The Indonesian and United States governments are seeking to build community resilience against extremism in Southeast ...

Do not exploit religion for electoral gain: ministry to preachers

The Religious Affairs Ministry has urged preachers and religious leaders who have decided to participate in political ...

Supply chain in IPEF discussed at Minister Hartato, Farrell meeting

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto held an online meeting with Australian Minister for Trade ...

Indonesia, Australia build community resilience against extremism

The National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) made the most of the momentum offered by Indonesia's ASEAN ...

Indonesia's disaster resilience efforts introduced at PRiMO conference

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) introduced Indonesia's ways of building disaster resilience at the ...

Quake emergency response status set in Tanimbar Islands, SW Maluku

The Maluku provincial government has set a disaster emergency response status in Tanimbar Islands District and ...

68.57 million Indonesians receive third COVID-19 vaccine dose

The number of Indonesians who have received the third dose or the first booster of the COVID-19 vaccine reached 68.57 ...

COVID-19 vaccination must continue despite PPKM revocation: minister

COVID-19 vaccinations must continue despite the revocation of the community activity restrictions (PPKM) policy on ...

Indonesia needs regional-based disaster resilience system: Bappenas

Indonesia should develop a regional-based disaster resilience system, Coordinator for Disaster Mitigation at the ...

Disaster mitigation shifting to risk reduction: BNPB

The national disaster mitigation system needs to be adjusted to current needs on account of a paradigm shift toward ...

Ministry intensifies collective coordination in disaster mitigation

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture pursues to streamline cross-sectoral coordination to ...

Village funds can help build disaster resilient communities: ministry

The Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration Ministry is continuing to push for the self-care ...

BNPB proposes platform for community-based disaster risk mitigation

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has proposed the establishment of a community-based disaster risk ...

BNPB asks Java's southern coast to mitigate quake, tsunami's impact

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has urged policymakers, communities, and all components in  ...

Researcher asks gov't to focus on eradicating terror financing

Researcher from the Center for the Study of Terrorism and Social Conflict at the University of Indonesia ...