#construction workers

Collection of construction workers news, found 277 news.

Bridge linking Banten, West Java areas collapses after landslide

A bridge in Cinyiru Village, Lebak Gedong Sub-district, Lebak District, Banten Province, connecting the areas of Banten ...

COVID-19 disrupts construction work at Papua's PON sports venues

President Joko Widodo decided to delay holding the 2020 National Games (PON) in Papua, from October 2020 to October ...

Policeman dies in shootout with armed criminal group in Papua

Papua Provincial Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw has confirmed the death of a police officer in a ...

Three wounded in exchange of fire in Nduga, Papua

Three people were injured, including a member of the Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob), in an exchange of fire between ...

Poverty still high in Indonesia: Ma'ruf Amin

Indonesia had been considered as a developed country, but the number of poor people and stunting was still high, Vice ...

Farm laborers' wages rise 0.13% in December 2019

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) announced the daily nominal wage of national farm workers in December 2019, hiking ...

Population of poor dropped 0.44 percent in 2019: BPS

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded that the number of poor in September 2019 had totaled 24.79 million, ...

Jokowi promises smoother new Jakarta-Cikampek highway

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said he would ask the authority of the Jakarta-Cikampek elevated toll road to make the ...

President Jokowi inaugurates Jakarta-Cikampek elevated toll road

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Jakarta-Cikampek elevated toll road Thursday, saying that it ...

Stay alert, Papua police chief warns Mimika policemen

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw has warned the police force, including the mobile brigade and ...

Jayawijaya Police hunts down perpetrators of fatal stabbing in Wouma

The Papua Police has hunted down perpetrators in fatal stabbing of a construction worker in Wouma, Jayawijaya District ...

News Focus

Suppressing armed Papuan rebels paramount to saving innocent civilians

Two motorcycle taxi (Ojek) drivers dying near the Muara suspension bridge in Amnunggi Village, Ilaga Sub-district, ...

Indonesia's Skouw-Wutung border post temporarily closed: Mily

The Indonesian authority has temporarily shut down the Skouw-Wutung Border Post in Muara Tami Subdistrict, Jayapura ...

Jokowi urges Papuans to not believe hoax, slander

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appealed to people in Papua to exercise self-restraint and not be swayed by hoax and ...

Papua Governor offers security assurance to native, non-native people

Papua Governor Lukas Enembe has reiterated the preparedness of the government, Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI), and ...