
Collection of contractor news, found 356 news.

Jereh Group Operates China's First Shale Gas Liquefaction Plant

- Jereh Group (SZ002353) announced it has successfully finished the China's first shale gas liquefaction plant in ...

Indonesia`s oil and gas revenues predicted to shrink in 2015

Indonesias state oil and gas revenues is predicted to shrink to Rp112 trillion-Rp193 trillion in 2015 compared with ...

Indonesian govt to be revised regulation on goods and service procurement

The Indonesian government said it will revise the presidential regulation on goods and service procurement system ...

POSCO E&C Is Appointed as the Preferred EPC Contractor for 1 Billion AUD Terminal Port Project in Australia

- POSCO E&C (CEO: Tae-Hyun Hwang) announced that the company is appointed as the Preferred Engineering, Procurement ...

KPK probes suspicious accounts of former Jakarta governor Fauzi Bowo

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said it is looking into suspiciously big account of former Jakarta ...

849.750 barrels/day oil production in 2015 approved

The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force has approved oil lifting in work program and set contractor ...

Indonesian people great at Mahakam block

Recently, a number of journalists paid a visit to the oil and gas drilling rigs in the Handil Field of Total E&P ...

Bell 505 Jet Ranger X Achieves Successful First Flight

- Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company (NYSE: TXT), today announced the successful first flight of the Bell 505 Jet ...

Indonesia, S. Korea to produce KF-X/IF-X jet fighter: Yusgiantoro

Indonesia and South Korea will immediately commence the production of the 4.5-generation KF-X/IF-X jet fighter, which ...

Honeywell's UOP Technology Selected to Clean Offshore Natural Gas in the United Kingdom

- UOP LLC, a Honeywell (NYSE: HON) company, announced today that it has been selected by BW Offshore to remove ...

POSCO E&C Begins Construction of Nam Lik1 Hydroelectric Power Plant in Laos

- POSCO Engineering & Construction (CEO: Tae-Hyun Hwang) announced on July 9 that it held a groundbreaking ceremony ...

NEAT Tower, South Korea's Tallest Skyscraper, Finally Opens in Songdo International Business District

- The North East Asia Trade (NEAT) Tower, the tallest building in South Korea, now stands resplendent in Songdo ...

Russia likely to prolong asylum for fugitive Snowden: Interfax

Russia will most probably extend former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowdens temporary asylum on the ...

Murphy Oil drills two exploration wells in Papua

Murphy Oil is drilling two oil exploration wells in Semai II Block, Fak-Fak offshore, West Papua, at a cost of US$30 ...

Gemalto Receives Frost & Sullivan 2014 Award for Border Control and Biometrics

Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, has earned the Frost & Sullivan 2014 ...